Development Roadmap
Development is advancing module by module since the modularization
of the application in 12/2003. The download
status table shows the current state of development.
- Expected Release: Mid to End of 2006
- Current Status: planning
V4.0 will include a complete overhaul of the GUI and incorporate
important new developments from the OpenACS
5.2 platform and dotLrn.
Anybody wants to participate
in the design of a new GUI?
- Expected Release: 10/2005
- Current Status: This is the current "development
The code is available from CVS already but is not supported.
V3.1 is suposed to include "DynField"s, a dynamic
field extension package that allows you to add and remove
fields from your ]project-open[
objects at runtime. This feature is extremely useful for the
classification of users (CRM) and for customizing ]project-open[
for different companies and industries. DynFields will als
be integrated into the standard ]project-open[
ListPages and into the full text search engine.
Further enhancements in V3.1 will include:
- A slighly improved GUI
- A full text search engine (based on PostgreSQL TSearch2)
- A full-fledged reporting module, similar to Jasper Reports
(this is probably not going to be GPLed...)
- Project Milestones (implemented using configurable "surveys")
- A calendar view to project and tasks deadlines
- ... and many more
- Has been released in: 5/2005
- Current Status: This is the current "stable version"
V3.0 is the result of porting porting ]po[
V2.1 from Oracle to PostgreSQL. V3.0 is available for both
Linux and Windows.
V3.0 alrady includes a completely new implementation of a
project controlling (cost accounting modules) and includes
internationalization for German, Spanish and French.
V3.0 does not include PostgreSQL
versions of the "Translation Quality" and "Translation
Marketplace" functionality.
- Last Release: V2.1.1 in 8/2004
- Current Status (9/2004):
Part of the new funcionality (intranet-hr, intranet-costs,
intranet-cost-provider) has been implemented and has been
deployed with individual customers.
- Payroll costs (intranet-hr-costs) and fixed costs (intranet-cost-fixed)
have not been implemented yet. These modules have been depriorized,
as the V3.0 PostgreSQL port has become more important. Their
implementation will become part of V3.1 (see above).
- The Search and KM functionality has been depriorized in
favor of V3.0.
- intranet-costs
"Costs Base Module", including cost centers and
base cost items.
- intranet-cost-fixed
Front-end module to intranet-costs, allowing to distributed
fixed costs (rent etc.) to projects according to different
- intranet-cost-provider
Front-end module for intranet-costs, allowing provider to
post their bills in the intranet.
- intranet-hr-costs
Front-end module for intranet-costs, allowing to distribute
employee costs to projects according to timesheet information
- intranet-hr
Basic HR module: Headcount, basic payroll information etc.
Search & KM
- search
Finish intranet and filesystem search for Intermedia
- expert-finder
Search for experts in your organization based on document
authorhip information
2.0 ( finished 6/3/2004)
Completion of the ]project-open[
port from ACS 3.4 to OpenACS 5.0 including the packages:
- Core 2.0 (no templates yet)
- Filestorage 2.0 (with +/- open-close and permisions)
- Forums 2.0
- Freelance 2.0
- Cost-Timesheet 2.0 (including absences)
- Translation 2.0
- Translation-Invoicing 2.0
- Translation-Quality 2.0